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和我同龄的刘锋,性情却更近于一个天真与烂漫的孩子。在他略显笨拙的画里,有着一种缓慢生长的温暖情绪,这似乎不被外界任何的动荡所打破。他迷恋于选择一个能延伸至很远的空间,这个空间可能在梦里、在回忆中、在未来,或在任何一个有温暖与可能幸福的地方,他切割其中的一角,再现了一场生动与荒诞的对美的执念。这种执念不是以有强烈的冲击性得以表达,它更近于对已经既定的美好记忆重组,在看似漫不经心、混乱,与日常相关的视觉语言中,传达出不仅仅是他个人内心最私密的渴望。美术馆也是渴望美的空间。作为公共的展示平台,美术馆在传达属于艺术家的独特性与创造性的同时,也要为每一位公众提供解读艺术的机会。不过,开放性虽然是美术馆的天然属性,但这不意味着要屈从于大众的喜好。可以说,刘锋的作品没有时下最流行的理念,没有对社会的探讨、也不包含讽刺与斗争,它们更像定格在一个自我的美丽场景里。可这些正是他的价值所在,今日的艺术已不是从一种范式到另一种范式,每一位艺术家都是一个文本,包含了其独立存在的价值。此次展览正是一场刘锋个人梦境的再现,同时也希望去唤醒有共同情感的每一位观者。在观看的过程中,艺术家的私人情绪不仅存在于某一场景、某一空间,刘锋给我们展现的是属于艺术本身的一种愉悦与憧憬,这种情怀给予所有人一个无拘束的理想。——张子康 Liu Feng and my age, temperament is more close to a naive and brilliant child. In his slightly clumsy picture, there is a warm, slowly growing mood that seems not to be broken by any turmoil in the world. He is obsessed with choosing a space that can be extended far enough to cut a corner of it, perhaps in a dream, in memory, in the future, or in any place where there is warmth and potential happiness, to reproduce a lively Absurdity and obsession with beauty. This obsession is not expressed in a strong sense of impact, but it is much closer to reconstructing the already established good memories and conveying in the seemingly careless, chaotic, daily-related visual language, not only his personal innermost feelings Intimate desire. Art galleries are also longing for the beauty of space. As a public display platform, art galleries, while conveying the uniqueness and creativity of artists, should also provide each public with the opportunity to interpret the arts. However, although the open nature of the museum’s natural attributes, but this does not mean to subservient to the public’s preferences. It can be said that Liu Feng’s works do not have the most popular ideas, no discussion about society, no satire and struggle, and they are more like a beautiful scene of self. But these are exactly his values. Today’s art is not from one paradigm to another. Each artist is a text that contains the value of his independent existence. This exhibition is just a reproduction of Liu Feng’s personal dream, but also hopes to awaken every viewer with a common emotion. During the viewing process, the artist’s private emotions not only exist in a certain scene and space, but Liu Feng shows us a pleasure and longing that belongs to the art itself. This feeling gives everyone an unbridled ideal. - Zhang Zikang
1 宿哲 青春 油画 120×50cm 2012  2 宿哲 我把青春献给谁(十一) 油画 200×300cm 2012  3 宿哲 这是最糟糕的时代 油画 100×120cm 2011  宿哲  ● 1984年生于辽宁省沈阳市  ● 2000—2002年就读于鲁迅美  术学院附中  ●2007年毕业于中央民族大学美  术学院油画系  ●现工作生活于北京  ●2007
巴黎大王宫(Grand Palais)这座一百多年前巴黎世博会的主会场,在见证那段法国辉煌历史的同时,为当今的艺术提供了极为重要的展示场地,每年一次的巴黎国际艺术博览会(FIAC),巴