35002, female, 11 years old. With “onset of abdominal pain for 3 months, increased 12 hours” admitted, abdominal pain for the left lower quadrant, sustained, “knife-like” pain, unbearable. Physical examination: T35.8 ℃, P92 times / min, R18 beats / min, BP11 / 9kpa, abdominal soft, no mass, no tenderness, left lower abdomen reflex pain. Blood WBC 6.4 × 10 ~ 9 / L. Diagnosis: intestinal spasm, intestinal ascariasis. After anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic treatment, did not ease, admission to the 3rd day, please surgical consultation: diagnosis: mesenteric lymphadenitis, agree pediatric treatment. On the 4th day of admission, fever occurred. Body temperature 37.9 ℃, abdominal pain is urination, then increased. After a little ease. The pubic symphysis on the abdomen touches nearly circular mass at 1cm, the edge is fuzzy, soft, deformity, tenderness is obvious. To do B-ultrasound: pelvic see about 7.3 × 7.1cm inhomogeneous mass, see a number of small cavity area, slightly irregular shape. Please gynecological consultation: menstrual future wave. Rectal examination: After a significant tenderness in the posterior fornix, at the top right of the cervix can be a diameter of about 7cm in size cystic mass, with the uterus can not be separated, the left attachment did not touch the exception. Have tenderness, because of children do not cooperate, not satisfied with the double joint clinic. Consider the egg