Many components of the microbial metabolites can effectively improve the fluidity of the bound oil in the reservoir, thereby enhancing the recovery of crude oil. These metabolites include surfactants, solvents, soluble gases, acids and polymers. The method by which this microorganism increases oil recovery is similar to other Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technologies. Biosurfactants, solvents, soluble gases and acids reduce the viscosity of crude oil in porous media and increase the fluidity of crude oil. Biopolymers can change the permeability of porous media and have been used for profile control in recent years. Some microbial Metabolism breaks down some of the ingredients in crude oil, some think it is the mechanism by which microorganisms increase oil recovery. Currently, there are few microbial methods of application for improving heavy oil recovery. However, research shows that some microbial methods can not only economically and economically exploit light crude oil, but also have broad prospects for the production of heavy oil. Among them, the use of gas-producing and solvent bacteria to reduce the viscosity of the crude oil may be the most effective and most promising. Early field tests showed that the combination of solvent-producing and gas-producing bacteria with surfactant-producing bacteria could effectively increase the recovery of medium-quality crude oil. In this paper, we present the results of an in-house study on microbial enhanced oil recovery.