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独立董事制度起源于美国,后因其在公司治理过程中能够发挥较大作用而被越来越多的企业所借鉴。上个世纪90年代,我国公司治理过程中长期存在内部控制、一股独大、监事会形同虚设等问题,这些问题严重影响着我国期货公司发展。为了有效解决这些问题,独立董事制度被引入我国期货公司,以期能够有效改善我国期货公司治理结构。而独立董事制度的设立对于完善期货公司治理结构、维护中小股东权益等方面具有极为重要的意义。基于此,本文在对独立董事制度相关概念进行梳理说明的基础上,就对当前我国期货公司独立董事制度建立过程中遇见的种种问题进行总结分析,最后就从进一步强化期货公司独立董事独立性、进一步完善期货公司独立董事激励机制、进一步完善期货公司独立董事责任机制、为期货公司独立董事制度建立营造良好法律环境等方面给出了一些期货公司独立董事制度建立建议,以期能够为相关工作者提供参考。 The system of independent directors originated in the United States and was borrowed by more and more enterprises because of its great role in corporate governance. In the 90s of last century, the problems of the long-standing internal control, the domination of the board of supervisors and the supervising of the board of supervisors in the process of corporate governance in our country seriously affected the development of the futures companies in our country. In order to effectively solve these problems, the system of independent directors was introduced into our futures companies in order to effectively improve the governance structure of our futures companies. The establishment of an independent director system is of great importance in improving the corporate governance structure of futures companies and safeguarding the rights and interests of minority shareholders. Based on this, on the basis of combing and explaining the related concepts of independent director system, this article summarizes and analyzes various problems encountered in the process of establishing independent directors system of futures companies in our country. Finally, from the point of further strengthening the independence of independent directors in futures companies, Further improve the incentive mechanism of independent directors of futures companies, further improve the responsibility system of independent directors of futures companies, and establish some good legal environment for the establishment of independent director system of futures companies, so as to provide suggestions for the establishment of independent director system for futures companies in order to provide relevant workers reference.
Malnutrition occurs frequently in patients with cancer.Indeed,a variety of nutritional and tumorrelated factors must be taken into account in these patients.Rec