一、生平业绩 约瑟夫·艾夫拉姆·凯斯利·海福德生于1866年9月29日,属于黄金海岸(今加纳)的阿诺那氏族,是约瑟夫·德·格拉夫特·海福德牧师的第四个儿子。凯斯利·海福德自幼聪明,早在海岸角威斯莱男子中学读书期间,在校长皮考特的启蒙下已显露出他的政治才华。他父亲在皮考特校长的建议下,将他送到塞拉利昂福拉湾学院深造。毕业后,海福德回到黄金海岸任阿克拉威斯莱中学校长。他治校有方,成绩卓著。海福德的兴趣广泛,但特别喜爱新闻工作和文学创作。最初他在叔父手下任助理编辑,接着任《黄金海岸反响》报编辑,之后他和威斯
I. Historical Achievements Joseph Avram Kesley Hefford was born on September 29, 1866 and belonged to the Arnona clan of the Gold Coast (now Ghana). It was Joseph de Graffitt Sea The fourth son of Lord Ford. Kesley Hefde, who was an early age clever, revealed his political talent as early as Captain Whitcot during his studies at Weasley High School on the Cape Coast. His father sent him to Sierra College Forad in Sierra Leone at the suggestion of his colleague, Piccolo. After graduating, Heidfeld returned to the Gold Coast acre Westlake secondary school principals. He manages the school well, the result is outstanding. Hefde has a wide range of interests but enjoys a special interest in journalism and literary creation. Initially he served as assistant editor under his uncle, then served as “Gold Coast Response” newspaper editor, after he and Weiss