Architectural education at the crossroads

来源 :建筑学研究前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ychhome
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In a world undergoing global changes at a scale and kind never encountered before,a world not only of unprecedented technological innovation,economic might,and global accessibility,but also a world of unparalleled socio-environmental crises,are our schools of architecture providing the right knowledge required for design and construction? rnThe global changes,good and bad,that characterize our contemporary world are closely linked with the record upsurge of construction,unparalleled architectural and engineering feats,and frenetic space acrobatics that dominated and still dominate most parts of the world in China,in the US,and in Europe.Never before had architects around the globe at their disposal such profusion of means to construct,financial,technological,and legal.Never before was the desire of clients to create ‘Architecture’ so strong.Yet,during this time,soaring unanticipated,intractable,irreversible crises affected the quality of the environment of most cities economic,ecological,and social that continued to decline steadily,ecological damage surpassed every previous record,and the diversity and numbers of the various biological species collapsed.
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