
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gulingling
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2012年高考安徽文综卷特色鲜明、亮点很多,对2013届考生复习迎考有许多启发与引导。其中,第39题三小问在知识考查上呈现一致性,都是要求考生运用教材某一知识网络去解答题目,突出知识网络的考查。为了提高高考复习效率,本文结合安徽卷第39题,谈谈高考政治复习中我们应如何建构并运用知识网络。一、简析安徽卷第39题对知识网络的考查2012年安徽文综卷第39题试题(材料略)(1)请你运用经济生活的相关知识,对“市场经济呼唤道德诚信”进行评议。(2)请运用价值观的知识,谈谈“网友议题”对你进行正确价值选择的启示。 2012 college entrance examination in Anhui comprehensive paper features distinctive, many bright spots, the 2013 candidates to review the welcoming of a lot of inspiration and guidance. Among them, the first 39 question three small question in the knowledge of examination showed consistency, are required candidates to use textbooks to solve a problem a certain knowledge network, highlight the knowledge network test. In order to improve the efficiency of college entrance examination review, this article combined with Anhui Question No. 39, to talk about how to construct and use knowledge network in political review. First, an analysis of the Anhui volume 39 questions on the knowledge network 2012 Anhui textual volume of the 39 questions (a little material) (1) Please use the relevant knowledge of economic life on the “market economy calls for moral integrity” For comment. (2) Please use the values ​​of knowledge, talk about “User Topics ” on your choice of the correct value of inspiration.
Objective:To study the expression and its clinical significance of HLA-G in HCMV intrauterine infected placental villi at early pregnant stage. Methods:PCR (pol
近年来,蛋白酶/抗蛋白酶失衡学说在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chron ic obstructive pu lmonary d isease,COPD)发病中的作用愈来愈受到重视[1]。基质金属蛋白酶(m atrixm etalloprot