自从3月15日省委召开的农业中学座谈会结束以来,到4月27日为止,全省已经办起来的农业中学和各种职业中学有六千五百六十八所,七千七百六十七班,学生达到三十四万二千六百零五人(其中有高中一百四十二所,二百一十四班,学生九千五百一十九人)。全省平均每个乡镇已有三所农业中学和各种职业中学,入学的学生已达前三年来升学的五十万高小毕业生的86. 6%。在短短的四十天时间内,办起了这么许多学校,这是一件了不起的大事。
Since the conclusion of the Agricultural Middle School Symposium convened by the provincial party committee on March 15th, as of April 27, there have been 6,568 agricultural secondary schools and various vocational secondary schools that have been established in the province, 7700. In the 67th class, the students reached 342,605 (including 144 high schools, 214 classes, and 9,519 students). On average, each township in the province has three agricultural secondary schools and various vocational secondary schools. The enrolled students have reached 86.6% of the 500,000 high school graduates who have graduated from the previous three years. In only 40 days, so many schools have been set up. This is a great event.