My First Time to Travel by Plane

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ultizen
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  My First Time to Travel by Plane
  It was Sunday yesterday, and I was very excited. because I, logether with my father, wouldtravel to Shanghai by plane for the first time.
  We arrived at the airport very early, but my father told me we must wait for an hour. Timepassed very slowly! Finally, it was time for us to get on the plane. When the plane took off. Ifelt terrible. After a little while. the uncomfortable feeling was gone. Minutes later. the planeflied higher. Looking out of the window. I could see the buildings, fields and roads becomingsmaller and smaller. And finally, I couldn’t see them. Through the window. I could only see theblue sky and white clouds. What a nice picture in the skyl Then I felt a little sleepy and fellasleep very soon. When I woke up, we were already above Beijing. As the plane went down.I was really afraid and closed my eyes. "OK! The plane has landed! " Hearing Father’svoice, I opened my eyes again and found the plane had already been on the ground.
  I was mad with joy and that was mv first time to travel by plane!
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