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1982年12月4日,我国现行宪法正式通过并颁布实施。2001年,国家将这一天定为“全国法制宣传日”。2014年11月1日,十二届全国人大常委会第十一次会议以立法形式确定将现行宪法通过、公布、施行的日期12月4日设立为国家宪法日,其目的就是要“增强全社会的宪法意识,弘扬宪法精神,加强宪法实施,全面推进依法治国”。随着社会主义民主法制建设进程的加快,学校与教育行政部门、举办者、教师、受教育者之间的法律关系出现了新的特点,理顺各主体之间的关系,解决教育活动中出现的新问题,实现教育为人民服务的宗旨,需要依法推进教育改革与发展,依法保障公民受教育权利。作为一名人民教师,依法治教是其本职所在。在具体的教书育人中,教师应努力成为依法治教的践行者、依法治校的监督者和依法治国的传播者,这既是一份责任,也是一份荣耀,更是一份使命与担当。在全国首个宪法日到来之际,我省各中小学举行了特别升国旗仪式、晨读宪法章节等活动。我刊在此特别刊登了省教育厅厅长曹献坤参加海南中学“宪法日”升旗仪式上的讲话,以飨读者。 December 4, 1982, China’s current constitution passed and promulgated. In 2001, the country designated this day as the “National Legal Publicity Day.” On November 1, 2014, the eleventh meeting of the 12th NPC Standing Committee was established by legislation to set the date for the passage, promulgation and execution of the current constitution as the National Constitution Day on December 4, and its purpose is to “enhance The constitutional awareness of the whole society, carry forward the spirit of the Constitution, strengthen the implementation of the Constitution, and comprehensively promote the rule of law ”. With the acceleration of the process of building a socialist democracy and legal system, the legal relationship between schools and educational administrations, organizers, teachers and educators has emerged new features, straightening out the relationships among various subjects and resolving the emergence of educational activities The new issue of education for the people to achieve the purpose of education in accordance with the law needs to promote reform and development, according to the law to protect citizens the right to education. As a teacher of the people, administering education according to law is its own responsibility. In a specific teaching and educating people, teachers should strive to become law practitioners according to law practitioners, law-based school supervisors and disseminators of ruling the country according to law, this is a responsibility, but also a glory, but also a mission and Take responsibility. At the dawn of the first constitutional day in the country, special and flag raising ceremonies were held in primary and secondary schools in our province to read the constitution chapters and other activities. In this special issue, I published a speech by Cao Xinkun, director of the Provincial Department of Education, at the ceremony of raising the flag of Hainan High School “Constitution Day ” in order to readers.
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