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研究因暴雨诱发山地灾害的机制,有利于制定防灾避难措施。2006年日本学者小藤隆一等人从专业角度分析了2004-07-18日本福井地区暴雨诱发山地灾害,其结论是:受害面积与最大降雨量的分布一致。针叶林与阔叶林相比,坍塌没有差别;而林地与非林地相比,非林地坍塌率高;在林地采伐后形成的草地与天然草地相比,天然草地坍塌率高;不同的植被在受害规模上没有差别。随着海拔高度的升高,发生率也越高;未间伐林分坍塌面积比率高;较大树龄坍塌面积率少;凹形的山坡易于发生坍塌;透水性很差的黏土母质和基岩层等易发生坍塌。为此,今后的对策应在草地等非林地营造人工林;对生育不良的林分进行林相改良;对现有的人工林实行适宜的间伐,但要注意林床裸露地、地形呈凹形的地块和集水处不易间伐。 Studying the mechanism of mountain disaster induced by rainstorm can help to make disaster prevention and refuge measures. In 2006, a Japanese scholar Hidetoshi Sato analyzed the rainstorm-induced mountainous disaster in the Fukui area of ​​Japan from October 2004 to October 18, 2006, concluding that the distribution of the victim area is consistent with the distribution of the maximum rainfall. Compared with the broadleaf forest, there is no difference in the collapse of the coniferous forest, but the non-forestland collapse rate is higher in the forestland than in the non-forestland. Compared with the natural grassland, the grassland formed after cutting in the forestland has a high collapse rate of natural grassland. There is no difference in the scale of victimization. As the altitude increases, the incidence rate is also higher; the proportion of unfolded stands is higher; the area ratio of collapsing forest is less; the concave slopes are apt to collapse; the poorly permeable clay parent material and bedrock Prone to collapse. Therefore, in the future, measures should be taken to create plantations in non-woodlands such as grasslands; to improve the forest facies in poorly-groved stands; and to apply appropriate thinning to existing plantations; however, care should be taken that the forest floor is bare and the terrain is concave Land plots and catchments are not thinned.
金枪鱼(tuna)又叫鲔鱼,拉丁学名叫Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus),是一种大型远洋性食用鱼.金枪鱼以冷冻贮藏销售为主,冻藏效果越好,其品质越好.金枪鱼在食用前需进行解冻,不同