Crustal structure using receiver function in the east part of A’nyêmaqên suture belt

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxjc_2008
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Twenty broadband seismographs were deployed along Hongyuan, Sichuan to Wuwei, Gansu. 81 teleseismic events were recorded in one year. We computed receiver functions from teleseismic waveform data and obtained S wave velocity structure beneath each station along the profile by using receiver function inversion method. The results revealed that the crustal structure is very complex and crustal average S wave velocity is to be on the low side. Low velocity structure generally exists in the depth range of 10~40 km in the crust between Aba arc fault and northern edge fault of Qinling earth’s axis and it is a tectonic feature of complex geological process such as ancient A’nyêmaqên Tethys ocean from closing and side colliding to subducted plate exhumed or thrust rock slice lifted. The Moho is about 50 km depth along the profile and is slightly deeper in the south than in the north. Twenty broadband seismographs were deployed along Hongyuan, Sichuan to Wuwei, Gansu. 81 teleseismic events were recorded in one year. 81 computed teleseismic events were recorded in one year. We computed receiver functions from teleseismic events data and obtained S wave velocity structure beneath each station along the profile by using receiver function inversion method. The results revealed that the crustal structure is very complex and crustal average S wave velocity is to be on the low side. Low velocity structure generally exists in the depth range of 10 ~ 40 km in the crust between Aba arc fault and northern edge fault of Qinling earth’s axis and it is a tectonic feature of complex geological process such as ancient A’nyêmaqên Tethys ocean from closing and side colliding to subducted plate exhumed or thrust rock slice lifted. The Moho is about 50 km depth along the profile and is slightly in the south than in the north
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