战地日记 霍家军曼谷追踪

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11月29日星期天睛转雨中国队是前天由曼谷转机飞到素叻他尼的,这是泰国南部的一座小城,规模只相当于国内的小县城,有点落后,景色一般,但人民很和善、热情,中国队员所到之处都有人友好地打招呼。中国队下榻的南星酒店是当地最好的,据说有四星级水准。房间挺大,但没什么家俱,通讯设施很不完备,房间的电话只能在酒店内部使用,而且房间禁止使用自带电器,这使中国队里的那些电脑发烧友的先进武器没有了用武之地。由于金融危机的影响泰铢汇率巨幅震荡,谁也搞不准,现在一般是1人民币兑3——4个泰铢,但据说以前曾有过兑五六十的情形发生,有些具有经济头脑的队员开玩笑说在泰国倒外汇肯定能赚。吃饭以自助餐为主,一般是两荤两素。素叻他尼离海不远,所以菜经常以海鲜为主,尤其以虾为多。由于天气炎热潮湿,队员的胃口都不大,饮料比饭受欢迎。餐厅和走廊里的冰柜里放满了可 Sunday, November 29 The rainy day Chinese team flew to Surat Thani from Bangkok on the day before yesterday, a small town in southern Thailand that is only a small town in the country. It is a bit backward and the scenery is general but the people are kind Enthusiasm, the Chinese players everywhere have friendly greetings. Southern Star Hotel where the Chinese team stayed is the best in the area, it is said that there are four-star level. The room was large, but no furniture, communication facilities is not complete, the room’s telephone can only be used inside the hotel, and the ban on the use of their own appliances in the room, which makes those Chinese computer enthusiasts advanced weapons out of place. Because of the financial crisis, the huge impact of the Thai baht exchange rate shock, no one is not allowed, and now generally 1 yuan against 3 - 4 baht, but said there had been against the fifty or sixty cases occurred, some economically savvy team members Joking that in the Thai foreign exchange certainly earn. Mainly to eat buffet, usually two dirty two factors. Surat Thani not far from the sea, so often the main seafood dishes, especially for more than shrimp. Due to the hot and humid weather, the members of the appetite is not large, drink more popular than rice. The freezer in the dining room and hallway was full
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介绍了可控电解珩磨原理和方法,设计了电解电流闭环控制系统软件,给出了电解加工实验结果。 The principle and method of controllable electrolytic honing are introduced.