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近几年来,关于求职诚信的问题越来越受到社会的关注,当揭露和讨伐的文章铺天盖地而来的时候,我却想说:设身处地地为求职者想一想,有时违背诚信也是一种无奈的选择,是可以被理解的。对于求职诚信问题,我的观念的转变来源于发生在三年前的一件事情,那时我还是一名应届毕业生,正在为找工作的事情焦头烂额地四处奔波。3月,一家知名的电器制造商在学校发布了招聘广告,大家满怀希望地递交了自己的简历。面试的名单下来以后让全系的人都大跌眼镜:我们专业只有两个人进入下一轮的面试,其中我们班被选中的是一个成绩不突出,社会活动不多,大学四年平平淡淡度过的女孩。后来,我偶然看到了这个同学的简历,这才明白她能够胜出的真正原因。那实在是一份太有吸引力的简历了,在这张简历上,我的同学被描绘成一个成功组织 In recent years, the issue of job search integrity has drawn more and more attention from the community. When the articles of exposing and crushing come to light, I would like to say: Setting aside a place for job seekers to think about it, sometimes breaking the good faith is also a helplessness The choice is understandable. The change in my concept of job search integrity stems from one thing that happened three years ago when I was a fresh graduate and was running around trying to find a job. In March, a well-known electronics maker released a job advertisement in school, and everyone submitted his resume hopefully. The list of interviews down the whole system after the people are stunned: we only have two professionals into the next round of interviews, including our class was selected is not a prominent achievement, social activity is not much, the university four years of mediocre light Girl. Later, I happened to see the classmate’s resume, which I understand the real reason she can win. That is really a very attractive resume, in this resume, my classmates are described as a successful organization
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没药是外科常用的活血止痛药。加醋炮制后能增强活血、止痛、收敛、生肌之功效 ,并可矫味。但制没药的外观品质对炒制过程中火候控制依赖较高 ,过火或欠火均影响品质。为此 ,
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AIM: The characteristics of transepithelial transport and uptake of CPU-86017 {[7-(4-chlorbenzyl)-7,8,13,13α-tetrahydroberberine chloride, CTHB]}, a new antia
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