1974年以来对我区花生重点产区的调查,花生青枯病(Pseudomonas solanacearumE·F.Smith)在老病区逐年扩大蔓延,尤其是经济作物种植较集中的南康,赣县和赣州市等,近年来扩大了甘蔗、烟叶和黄麻等种植面积后,水旱轮作年限缩短,病害发炎及危害花生程度都趋向严重。发病面积达30%左右,发病率最低为5%,一般发病率为
Since 1974, the key peanut producing areas in our district have been surveyed. Pseudomonas solanacearum E. Smith is spreading year by year in the old ward, especially in the areas of Nankang, Ganxian and Ganzhou, where cash crops are concentrated. In recent years, after expanding the planting area of sugar cane, tobacco leaves and jute, the rotation of drought and water supply has been shortened, and the degree of inflamed diseases and endangering peanuts have tended to be serious. Incidence of about 30%, the lowest incidence of 5%, the general incidence rate