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这该死的S公寓S公寓刚建好的时候发生了一场震惊全市的火灾,因此,这座公寓虽然建在繁华的地带,却也鲜有人问津。无奈业主只能把房价一降再降,租给那些刚毕业的大学生、辛苦打拼的小白领,或者是一些不了解内情的外地人。廖依刚刚从南方回到家乡,正好看到这个公寓在租房,麻雀虽小五脏俱全,这样的公寓很适合自己,而且价格不高,离商超都很近。好朋友倩倩拽了拽廖依说,这个公寓发生过火灾,死过人呢,你一个人住不害怕吗。廖依说,没事,你看现在不是很多人住这嘛。不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门啊。 This damn S Apartment S apartment was built just when a fire shocked the city, so although the apartment was built in the bustling strip, but few were interested. However, the owner can only afford to lower and lower prices again, to those who just graduated college students, hard-working white-collar workers, or some outsiders who do not understand the inside story. Liao Yi just returned home from the South, just to see this apartment in rented, sparrows are small and complete, so the apartment is suitable for themselves, and the price is not high, very close from the supermarkets. Good friend Qianqian dragged pull Liao Yi said that this apartment had a fire, died of it, you live alone do not be afraid of it. Liao said nothing, you see now is not a lot of people live this thing. Do not worry about things, not afraid of ghost knock ah.
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著名演员大宋佳和影视新人张楚楚是影视圈内人尽皆知的一对母女。鲜为人知的是,私底下宋佳和楚楚之间有很长一段时间都处于矛盾斗争期。张楚楚为何会以大手大脚的方式“报复”辛苦拍戏的母亲?曾经的冷战背后这对母女经历了怎样的人生痛楚?又是什么让她们冰释前嫌母女归心?  强迫性慈善,“心机女”报复“呆萌妈”  张楚楚是宋佳与京剧大师张学津的女儿。在楚楚两岁那年,张学津患上了丙肝。为了避免传染妻女,他向宋佳提出了
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笔者看过这么一则新闻:“教育部组织部分改革专家到实验区中小学听课,了解新课程实验情况。一位在当地颇有名气的教学能手上了一节公开课,博得教师满堂喝彩。然而,就是这样一节在别人眼里十分成功的课,却遭到课程专家的种种质疑和尖锐的批评。专家的评课,令这位教师难以接受,竟然大哭起来。新课程对传统教学提出了严峻的挑战,我们必须用新的教育理念审视传统的课堂教学。  学习是一种个性化行为。作为教师,应当在课堂教学
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