Crisis Management and Resolution:Lessons from the Financial Crisis

来源 :中国对外贸易:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windplume
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<正>The recent crisis was unusual in its speed and breadth and the type of countries affected. Systemic crises, situations of significant stress in the financial sector, followed by significant policy interventions, often affect several countries at
成大业常怀艰苦奋斗 乐小康毋忘勤俭节约 科学振翼满园金宝滚滚来 深化改革遍地春色蒸蒸上 戌狗报春来 金鸡得胜去 歌赞盛世 扶正祛邪 辞旧迎新
<正>China&#39;s consumer lending has been expanding rapidly and shows strong growth potential due to economic growth and government policy,according to a recent
<正>I believe the Chinese must celebrate their history, heritage,culture and unique attributes and allow this to influence and show in their creative pursuits.L
读完美国爱玛&#183;本贝克写的《上帝创造母亲时》,心里久久不能平静。想起母亲,就百感交集。 世界上的母亲都是伟大的,正如本贝克写的那样:人们都“想象不出她有多么能干,也