Deuterium Absorbability and Anomalous Nuclear Effect of YBCO High Temperature Superconductors

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1 Introduction In deeper study of HTSC, it is found that Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) has an unusualproperty of absorbing hydrogen. The absorption process could be described by a gen-eral equation (x/2) H_2 + Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-δ)→H_xY_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-δ).A structural analysis indicates that absorbed hydrogen is located on the Cu-Osurface and its state change with temperature. As an isotope of hydrogen,deuterium can have simlar effects. Therefore we have experimentally studied the The absorption process was described by a gen-eral equation (x / 2) H_2 + Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ (7-δ) → H_xY_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ (7-δ) .A structural analysis indicates that absorbed hydrogen is located on the Cu-Osurface and its state change with temperature. As an isotope of hydrogen, deuterium can have simlar effects. Therefore we have experimentally studied the
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