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  President Walsh, trustees, faculty, friends, noble parents...and dear class of 1996,2 I am so proud of you. Thank you for asking me to speak to you today.
  I remember my own graduation from Wellesley very, very well. The speaker was Santha Rama Rau3 who was a woman writer.
  I want to tell you a little bit about my class, the class of 1962. When we came to Wellesley in the fall of 1958, there was an article in the Harvard Crimson4 about the women’s colleges. We were girls then, by the way, Wellesley girls. How long ago was it? It was so long ago that while I was here, Wellesley actually threw six young women out for lesbianism5. It was so long ago that we had curfews6. It was so long ago that if you had a boy in your room, you had to leave the door open six inches, and if you closed the door you had to put a sock on the doorknob7. In my class, I don’t know, maybe 375 young women, there were six Asians and five Blacks. There was a strict quota8 on the number of Jews.
  My class went to college in the era when you got a master’s degree in teaching because it was “something to fall back on” in the worst case scenario,9 the worst case scenario being that no one married you and you actually had to go to work. As one classmate said at our reunion, “Our education was a dress rehearsal for a life we never led.”10 Isn’t that the saddest line? We weren’t meant to have futures, we were meant to marry men. We weren’t meant to have politics, or careers that mattered, or opinions, or lives; we were meant to marry men. If you wanted to be an architect, you married an architect.
  My mother was a career woman, and all of us, her four daughters, grew up understanding that the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” was as valid11 for girls as for boys.
  Why am I telling you this? Things have changed. Things are different for you than they were for us. Just the fact that you chose to come to a single-sex college makes you smarter than we were—we came because it’s what you did in those days—and the college you are graduating from is a very different place. All sorts of things caused Wellesley to change, it did change, and today it’s a place that understands its obligations to women in today’s world. The women’s movement has made a huge difference, too, particularly for young women like you. There are women doctors and women lawyers. There are anchorwomen, although most of them are blonde.12 But at the same time, the pay differential between men and women has barely changed. Don’t underestimate how much antagonism there is toward women and how many people wish we could turn the clock back.13   Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. Because you don’t have the alibi my class had—this is one of the great achievements and mixed blessings you inherit:14 Unlike us, you can’t say nobody told you there were other options. Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.
  So what are you going to do? Everything, is my guess. It will be a little messy, but embrace the mess. It will be complicated, but rejoice15 in the complications. It will not be anything like what you think it will be like, but surprises are good for you. And don’t be frightened: you can always change your mind.
  And this is something else I want to tell you, one of the hundreds of things I didn’t know when I was sitting here so many years ago: you are not going to be you,fixed and immutable16 you, forever. We have a game we play when we’re waiting for tables in restaurants, where you have to write the five things that describe yourself on a piece of paper. When I was your age, I would have put: ambitious, Wellesley graduate, daughter, Democrat, single. Ten years later not one of those five things turned up17 on my list. I was: journalist, feminist18, New Yorker, divorced, funny. Today not one of those five things turns up in my list: writer, director, mother, sister, happy. Whatever those five things are for you today, they won’t make the list in 10 years—not that you still won’t be some of those things, but they won’t be the five most important things about you. Which is one of the most delicious19 things available to women, and more particularly to women than to men? I think. It’s slightly easier for us to shift, to change our minds, to take another path. This is the life many women lead: Two paths diverge in a wood, and we get to take them both.20 It’s another of the nicest things about being women; we can do that. Did I say it was hard? Yes, but let me say it again so that none of you can ever say the words, nobody said it was so hard. But it’s also incredibly interesting. You are so lucky to have that life as an option.
  Whatever you choose, however many roads you travel, I hope that you choose not to be a lady. I hope you will find some way to break the rules and make a little trouble out there.21 And I also hope that you will choose to make some of that trouble on behalf of women. Thank you. Good luck. The first act22 of your life is over. Welcome to the best years of your lives.
  1. Nora Ephron: 諾拉·艾芙隆(1941—2012),1962年毕业于威尔斯利学院,好莱坞著名导演和制片人,电影《当哈利遇上莎莉》、《西雅图夜未眠》和《电子情书》的编剧及导演,曾三次获得奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖提名;commencement: 毕业典礼;Wellesley: Wellesley College,威尔斯利学院,又名威尔斯利女子学院,建于1875年,位于波士顿郊区,五所常春藤女校之一(Girl Ivies)。
  2. president: 校长;trustee: 理事(或董事)会成员;faculty: 全体教职员。
  3. Santha Rama Rau: 印度裔美籍女作家(1923—2009),擅长写游记,1944年毕业于威尔斯利,是该学院首位印度裔学生。
  4. Harvard Crimson: 《哈佛深红报》,哈佛大学日报,深红色是哈佛的代名词,哈佛的建筑是深红色,哈佛的运动队也叫深红。
  5. lesbianism: 女同性恋。
  6. curfew: 宵禁,(要求某类人)夜晚一定时间后不准外出的规定。
  7. doorknob: 门把手。
  8. quota: 配额,定量。
  9. fall back on: 依赖,依靠;scenario:(可能出现的)事态,局面。
  10. 一次毕业后的聚会上,班里一个同学说:我们的教育所预演的生活永远无法在未来实现。dress rehearsal: 彩排。
  11. valid: 有效的。
  12. anchorwoman: 新闻节目女主持人;blonde: 白肤金发碧眼的女人。
  13. underestimate: 低估;antagonism:敌意,对抗。
  14. alibi: 托辞;inherit: 继承。
  15. rejoice: 欢喜 ,感到高兴。
  16. immutable: 不变的。
  17. turn up: 出现。
  18. feminist: 女权主义者。
  19. delicious: 美妙的,令人愉悦的。
  20. 两条路在林中岔开,我们都要设法去走一走。这句巧妙借用诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的《未选的路》里的第一句:Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both.
  21. 我希望你们能设法打破常规,在人生的路途上制造出那么一点点小波澜。
  22. act: (戏剧或歌剧的)一幕。
W hat’s the purpose of philosophy? Alfred North Whitehead characterized it as a series of footnotes to Plato.1 You can see his point. On the surface, we don’t seem to have progressed much in the two a
4月20日,由中国第一汽车集团公司总经理徐建一和德国大众汽车集团董事长文德恩博士共同揭幕,按照德国大众汽车设计和质量标准,并在大众成熟轿车制造基础上,为中国消费者量身打造的一汽-大众全新A级轿车——“新宝来”在2008北京国际汽车展览会上首次亮相,成为本次车展上最为耀眼的明星之一。    最新设计理念      “新宝来”的精彩亮相堪称一汽-大众的又一次华丽转身。作为一款符合中国中产消费者主流价值
“这是我个人的问题,我过年总是不能放松,总是很忙,总是在加班。如果让我回忆以前做过的那些商业战例,我都历历在目,因为最近十年来,我的过年都是在加班,在创业和工作。”      1970年出生的周鸿是真正伴随着中国互联网成长起来的新一代企业家,在他身上有着这个时代的许多特征:穷孩子出身、经历过太多的社会动荡、经历过物质极端匮乏和物质的极大丰富、身上既带着时代造就的实用主义,骨子里又充满着文学青年的理
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作为当今世界唯一的紧凑型豪华后驱两厢轿车,率先进入中国市场的有两个排量的三款五门车型:BMW 120i MT,BMW 120i AT,以及BMW 130i AT。  BMW 1系的动力单元采用BMW独特的Valvetronic电子气门和Double-VANOS双凸轮轴气门正时系统等一系列先进技术,实现更少能耗更强动力。配合迅疾精准的6速手动/自动变速箱,近乎完美的50:50前后轴重量分配,以及应用
在柳传志看来,联想过去的鲜明特点在于其灵活和机敏。但并购旧MPC业务之后,这种灵活和机敏正在消失。这位“联想教父”复出的任务就是继续进行整合  半年多之前的2008年5月,杨元庆还自信地对媒体表示:“我们已经脱胎换骨,联想已经成功完成了与IBMPC的业务整合”。然而,接下来发生的事情,显然超出了他的预料  2008年11月,联想交出了自并购IBMPC业务以来,最差的一份财报2008/2009财年第
阿里巴巴今年是十周年,十年来我一直想在中国证明一件事情,那就是互联网在中国有希望!互联网将完善中国,推进中国的发展!我们坚信电子商务会存在,电子商务在中国会发展!  十年来,我被中国很多人认为是中国最大的“忽悠者”,尽管这样,我还想再“忽悠”一把。  我一直在倡导互联网的精神,一直倡导电子商务和网商的精神。六年前,我和一个很要好的商人朋友交流,我说刚刚推出了淘宝网,我希望他将生意搬到网上去做,他说
服装已经不是杉杉的唯一标志,其转型与升级仍在进行。被业内称为中国服装界“巴顿将军”的郑永刚此时却选择了急流勇退,隐身幕后    身材不高但很壮实,皮肤有些炯黑、外表随和的郑永刚迎面向记者走来。  2007年8月16日下午,北京贵宾楼三楼大厅,身为杉杉控股董事局主席的郑永刚还带有一丝倦意,二个小时前,他刚从上海飞到北京。    喝了一口茶,郑永刚调整了一下自己的坐姿。“我已经很少接受采访了,还是多做
2008年10月至12月之间有三个法国和意大利著名的男装和面料奢侈品牌,相继在北京启动了市场推广活动。这在奢侈品云集的北京或许算不上什么,但令人关注的是这三家欧洲奢侈品生产商(多美Dormeui REDA CANA L1)有着相似的基因:一都是家族企业,二,都以男装或以男装面料为主打产品。不排除这仅仅是一种巧台的现象,但巧合发生的背后却隐藏着并非巧合的原因。  中国市场对成熟得接近饱和的欧美奢侈品
四川迈普通讯技术有限公司,成立于1993年,是中国主流的路由器供应商和综合解决方案提供商。成立16年以来,公司主要致力于以IP技术为核心的全系列路由器产品和IP语音、信息安全、综合接入、交换机等网络设备。目前,迈普在新加坡、印度尼西亚、印度等地设立了多个分支机构,拥有1000余名员工,是世界上第一家提出“iCEC”理念的高科技产业公司。  2008年迈普的销售业绩突破了10亿大关,危机中销售业绩不