
来源 :福建商业高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhanglu
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《质量超然》(柯水生创作)随着我校教育教学改革的不断变化,高职教育由注重规模、数量的发展转移到注重内涵建设,大力推进“质量工程”建设项目,目前已拥有6个省级精品专业、18门省级精品课程、国家级教学名师1人、省级教学名师8人,2个省级教学团队 Quality Alienation (Ke Shui Sheng creation) With the continuous changes in education and teaching reform in our school, vocational education shifted from focusing on the scale and quantity to focusing on the connotation construction, vigorously promoting the construction project of “Quality Project” and currently owns 6 provincial-level boutique specialties, 18 provincial-level quality courses, 1 national-level teaching teacher, 8 provincial-level teaching masters and 2 provincial-level teaching teams
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