
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hejizhou
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Objective: To compare the curative effectiveness of continuous transarterial infusion chemotherapy and systemic venous chemotherapy in treating patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, and to evaluate the value of selective continu-ous transarterial infusion chemotherapy in treating advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods: Of the 51 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer receiving chemotherapy with gemcitabine and 5-fluorouracil, 25 patients were treated with selective con-tinuous transarterial infusion chemotherapy, 26 were treated with systemic venous chemotherapy, and curative effective-ness was analyzed retrospectively. Curative effectiveness included tumor volume, clinical benefit response (CBR), acute and subacute toxic reactions of antitumor drugs, survival rate and median survival time. Results: The objective effective rate in transarterial group was 32.0% versus 23.1% in systemic group without any significant difference (P = 0.475). Clinical benefit rates in transarterial group and systemic group were 80.0% and 50.0% respectively (P = 0.025). The 6-, 9-and 12-month accumulated survival rates and median survival time in transarterial group were higher than those of the systemic group (P = 0.002), the differences were statistically significant. However, the adverse reactions between the two groups were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Compared with systemic chemotherapy, continuous transarterial infusion chemotherapy with gemcitabine and 5-fluorouracil could improve clinical benefit rate and survival time of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, it is safe and reliable, and the adverse reactions is less. Objective: To compare the curative effectiveness of continuous transarterial infusion chemotherapy and systemic venous chemotherapy in treating patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, and to evaluate the value of selective continu-ous transarterial infusion chemotherapy in treating advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods: Of the 51 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer receiving chemotherapy with gemcitabine and 5-fluorouracil, 25 patients were treated with selective con-tinuous transarterial infusion chemotherapy, 26 were treated with systemic venous chemotherapy, and curative effect-ness was analyzed retrospectively. Curative effectiveness included tumor volume, clinical benefit response (CBR), acute and subacute toxic reactions of antitumor drugs, survival rate and median survival time. Results: The objective effective rate in transarterial group was 32.0% versus 23.1% in systemic group without any significant difference (P = 0.475). benefit rates in transarterial group (P = 0.002). The 6-, 9- and 12-month accumulated survival rates and median survival time in transarterial group were higher than those of the systemic group (P = 0.002), However, the adverse reactions between the two groups were not quite significant. Conclusion: Compared with systemic chemotherapy, continuous transarterial infusion chemotherapy with gemcitabine and 5-fluorouracil could improve clinical benefit rate and survival time of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, it is safe and reliable, and the adverse reactions is less.
《安徽消防》伴随着悠悠岁月走过了多少风风雨雨,金秋十月又迎来了创刊20周年的佳期。望着厚厚的《安徽消防》杂志合订本,不禁思绪滚滚,感慨万千,往事历历,荡漾心头。 20年前,我在一家
很多耐高温的DNA聚合酶,如Taq DNA聚合酶,因其具有非模板依赖性末端转移酶活性,因而常在PCR产物的3’末端加上一个多余的碱基,通常为3’-dA,从而使通过平端连接克隆PCR产物
对16名被试进行两字汉语词汇及平面图形的辨识测试,统计左右半球40 HzERP的发放率(ACT)及平均发放时间间隔(AT)参数,结果在测试过程中,词汇、图形辨识,左右半球表现为功能的
病人男性,51岁,因胆道术后50 d,间歇性发冷、发热7 d入院,50 d前因"结石性胆囊炎,胆总管结石"行"胆囊切除、胆总管探查、T管引流术",术中见肝脏各叶比例正常,色暗红,质地较硬,呈小结节样肝硬化,常规切除胆囊后打开胆总管,见一长约5 cm条索状棕黑色坏死组织,疑为坏死蛔虫残骸或瘤栓,取出送病理检查.术后病理检查报告为坏死瘤样组织。