
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonnyyu
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盆景、盆栽花木不再避免的要滋病生虫,为保持树体健壮要针对性地加以防治,但常因疏忽大意导致药害发生,为此应依树材对农药的敏感性及防治对象的耐药性,结合农药性质选择对路农药。例如敌敌畏、敌百虫对核果类盆栽果树一般不用,阿特拉津对桃树很敏感不宜使用。其次把握好施药浓度和用药时期关。例如4049在桃树使用时应降低使用浓度。再次是合理科学用药,尤其是混合用药,不可盲目从事。如发生药害,可采取缓解补救措施将损失降低到最低限度。 Bonsai, potted plants no longer avoid AIDS pests, in order to maintain the robust tree to be targeted to prevent and cure, but often lead to injury caused by carelessness, this should be based on the sensitivity of the tree to pesticides and control objects Resistance, combined with the nature of pesticides on the road pesticides. For example, dichlorvos, trichlorfon do not generally dwell on stone fruit trees potted plants, atrazine is not sensitive to the use of peach trees. Second, grasp the concentration and drug administration period off. For example, 4049 peach trees should be used to reduce the concentration. Again is a reasonable scientific medication, especially mixed medication, not blindly engaged. In the event of injury, remedies may be taken to mitigate the loss to a minimum.
根据中关村经济的实际情况,建立风险投资机制应遵循以下基本原则: 1、中关村风险投资机制应建立在高度发达的市场经济基础上。从出资者看,风险投资不可能也不应该完全靠政府
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