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在闭口回流式风洞TJ-2中分别对阻塞度为4.1%,6.1%,8.4%,10.1%的单体高层建筑刚性模型进行了测压试验,根据风洞试验结果,选取3种典型结构进行响应计算,以研究阻塞效应对不同结构风致响应的影响。对结构顶部位移和加速度、基底剪力、等效静力风荷载进行了细致分析。结果表明:各结构顺风向顶部位移和基底剪力平均值的阻塞效应较为接近,但顺风向、横风向顶部位移、加速度和基底剪力均方根的阻塞效应较为显著,且差别较大。随着阻塞度的增大,结构质量越轻、刚度越柔,横风向顶部位移、加速度和基底剪力的均方根的阻塞效应均有所降低。各结构顺风向等效静力风荷载峰值在顶部和底部处的阻塞效应较为明显。结构质量越轻,刚度越柔,建筑顶部附近的顺风向等效静力风荷载峰值的阻塞效应增强,而横风向等效静力风荷载峰值的阻塞效应减弱。 In TJ-2 closed-loop wind tunnel, the rigid model of single high-rise building with blockage of 4.1%, 6.1%, 8.4% and 10.1% were tested respectively. Based on the wind tunnel test results, three typical structures Response calculations were performed to study the effect of clogging effects on wind-induced responses of different structures. The structure displacement and acceleration at the top, the base shear, equivalent static wind load were analyzed in detail. The results show that the clogging effect of downwind and base shear of each structure is close to each other, but the clogging effects of downwind, acceleration and shear root mean square in the downwind and crosswind directions are significant and vary greatly. With the increase of the obstruction, the lighter the structure and the softer the stiffness, the less the root mean square obstruction of cross-wind top displacement, acceleration and base shear is. The obstruction effect of the peak value of equivalent static wind load on the top and bottom of each structure is obvious. The lighter the structure and the softer the stiffness, the stronger the obstruction effect of the peak value of the equivalent static wind load near the top of the building is enhanced, while the obstruction effect of the peak value of the equivalent static wind load of the transverse wind direction is weakened.
连续六年采取消灭传染源和菊酯类药物浸帐( 或喷洒) 防制传疟媒介相结合的综合性防治措施,结果控制了疟疾的流行,疟疾发病率从1992 年的12 .93/ 万下降至1997 年的0 .05/ 万;流行村数从55 个减少到1个;发
简介IPv6即 Internet Protocol version 6,是下一代 Internet的网络层协议,用于替代当前的 IP 协议(即IPv4)。IPv4在当前的互联网中应用非常广泛,然而随着 Internet 的爆炸