
来源 :测控技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loughtjiang
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通常在植皮手术中,对被植皮肤贴敷压力的大小,全凭手术者经验掌握,影响了植皮成活率。本文介绍的基于半导体压力传感器原理的测压仪是用来准确测量植皮贴敷压力以实现提高植皮成活率的目的。这一仪器还可以用于对多种生理压力进行测试。 Often in skin grafting, the pressure on the implanted skin size depends entirely on the experience of the surgeon, affecting the survival rate of the skin graft. This article describes the principle of semiconductor pressure sensor based on the piezometer is used to accurately measure the pressure on the skin graft in order to achieve the purpose of improving the survival rate of skin graft. This instrument can also be used to test a variety of physiological stress.
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