The Ministry of Finance issued the Interim Provisions on the Title of Tax Specialist in September 1979 and decided to pilot it in the grass-roots units of the taxation authorities nationwide starting from October 1979. This is an important measure to strengthen the grass-roots construction of tax departments and arouse the enthusiasm of the vast numbers of tax cadres. The tax department shoulders the arduous task of accumulating funds for the four modernizations. The policy of tax work is strong, covering a wide range of areas. One taxation, one exemption, and a few extra levies are involved in the interests of the state, collectives, enterprises and individuals, especially the foreign economy The growing number of foreign tax work tasks, the task will be more complex and more complex, more policy-oriented, which requires us to further strengthen the grass-roots tax department construction and improve the level of tax cadre’s business operations in order to adapt to the development of tax work need.