
来源 :中华人民共和国国务院公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LVBIN0077
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目前,党的十二大提出的集中资金进行重点建设的方针,正在贯彻执行。经过全党同志和广大职工的努力,各方面的工作取得了很大成绩,整个国民经济形势是好的。但是,应当指出,一九八二年下半年以来,在国家经济建设中出现了两股严重危害国民经济发展的歪风:不少地区和企事业单位违反党中央和国务院的规定,乱涨生产资料价格和向基本建设单位乱摊派费用,甚至敲诈勒索,已经发展到不能容忍的地步。不坚决刹住这两股歪风,任其发展,就会造成工业生产成本普遍上升,基本建设工程造价不断提高,严重减少国家财政收入和增加国家财政支出,分散和转移国家财力、物力。并且还会造成轮番涨价,把整个物价哄抬起来,使社会上的不正之风和经济犯罪活动继续发展,搞乱计划经济,破坏重点建设,损害群众利益。 At present, the principle put forward by the 12th National Party Congress to focus on the construction of funds is being implemented. Through the efforts of all the comrades in the party and the vast numbers of staff and workers, great achievements have been made in all aspects of work and the entire national economic situation is good. However, it should be pointed out that since the second half of 1982 there have been two unhealthy trends in the national economic construction that have seriously endanger the development of the national economy: in many areas, enterprises and public institutions violate the provisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and uproot the means of production The price and indiscriminate apportionment to capital construction units, or even extortion, have reached unacceptable levels. Without resolutely halting these two unhealthy trends, their development will result in a general increase in the cost of industrial production, the continuous rise in the cost of capital construction projects, a serious reduction in the state’s fiscal revenue and the increase of state financial expenditures, the diversion and diversion of state financial and material resources. And it will also result in a turnaround in prices and lifts the entire price up so that unhealthy tendencies in the society and economic crimes continue to develop, disrupt the planned economy, undermine key construction and damage the interests of the masses.
二化螟的学名向来沿用Chilo simplex(Butler)一名,近年来国外(欧美日本等国)文献中颇多改用Chilo suppressalis(Walker)的。按照命名法规来说,二化螟的种名应该用sup-pressa
超低容量喷雾是一种新的施药方法。这种方法比手动压缩式喷雾器提高工效近百倍,可节省农药10~30%,效果好,残效长,并可用于防治多种害虫。下面就其应用技术做简要介绍。 Ultr
1953年在山西解县农村工作中,我们参加了群众性的防治小麦红蜘蛛工作。为了把防治工作做得更好,我们对小麦两种红蜘蛛[Penthaleus sp.及Petrobia latens(Müller)]~*作了一
红颈天牛是锦西地区危害桃、李、杏树的主要害虫。钢屯公社张家沟大队过去有桃树1,000多棵,杏树7,000多棵,到1970年因天牛为害,果树大量死亡, Red-necked cow is a major p