Acoustic design of the philharmonic hall in the Shanghai Oriental Art Center

来源 :声学技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dys206
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The Shanghai Oriental Art Center opened officially in July 2005 is one of the largest performance art centers in mainland China.It mainly consists of a 2000-seat philharmonic hall,an 1100-seat opera house,a 330-seat chamber music hall and several rehearsal facilities.It has become one of the most important landmark buildings in Shanghai as well as in Pu-Dong new district.In this paper,the features of the architectural acoustics design of the 2000-seat philharmonic hall,the largest and specially designed music performance venue,is mainly elucidated,also the objective acoustical measurement results and some subjective acoustics evaluation from all circles after opening are covered. The Shanghai Oriental Art Center opened officially in July 2005 is one of the largest performance art centers in mainland China. It mainly consists of a 2000-seat philharmonic hall, an 1100-seat opera house, a 330-seat chamber music hall and several rehearsal facilities. It has become one of the most important landmark buildings in Shanghai as well as in Pu-Dong new district. this paper, the features of the architectural acoustics design of the 2000-seat philharmonic hall, the largest and specially designed music performance venue, is mainly elucidated, also the objective acoustical measurement results and some subjective acoustics evaluation from all circles after opening are covered.
(一) 1934年以前,美国的电信事业是由各州分别管理的。1934年,罗斯福总统主持制定了美国的《通信法》,同时成立联邦通信委员会(FCC),作为联邦政府一级管理电信事业的机构。F
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自1978年9月以来,笔者9次参加机动医疗队海上卫勤训练,对如何圆满完成临床检验工作体会如下。携带装具 1.制式箱(附暗克码)6个。单箱体积0.064m~3,承受压力0.5T以上,平均重