Root Strength Models of Pioneer Trees in Landslide Areas

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Vegetation in landslide area is difficult because of barren, water stress, coarsetextures soils, and steep slopes etc. In this study we need to construct the criteria of Landslide Areas protection for the selected vegetation materials in considering their characteristics and the soil solidities for the root system. With the destructive pulling resistance models, with the weight of plant above the ground(Wu) or the weight of root-soil(Wd), and the non-destructive resistance models, with the diameter of the tree just above the ground(D, mm), were derived with multi-variable regression analysis, respectively. The models gave higher statistical regression coefficients when they were compared with the results of relative researches. The significant level factors to influence the plant pulling resistance capacity are climate and soil properties. Finally the relevant conclusions were obtained. Vegetation in landslide area is difficult because of barren, water stress, coarsetextures soils, and steep slopes etc. In this study we need to construct the criteria of Landslide Areas protection for the selected vegetation materials in considering their characteristics and the soil solidities for the root with the destructive pulling resistance models, with the weight of plant above the ground (Wu) or the weight of root-soil (Wd), and the non-destructive resistance models, with the diameter of the tree just above the ground ( D, mm), were derived with multi-variable regression analysis, respectively. The models gave higher statistical regression coefficients when they were compared with the results of relative researches. The significant level factors to influence the plant pulling resistance capacity are climate and soil properties Finally the relevant conclusions were obtained.
临帖是学好书法的重要途径,必须坚持正确的方法,为此,要做到“五戒”:rn戒“杂” 临帖一定要专一,即固定一帖,坚持长期临写不动摇.中国古代优秀碑帖不下几十种,可谓姹紫嫣红,
班主任工作作为学校教育中极其重要的育人工作,既是一门科学,也是一门艺术。它对实现学校的可持续发展和学生的全面进步有着重要影响。我认为良好的班级管理能加速学生的全面发展,并有效地展现学生各方面的潜质和才能,为学生发展提供一个广阔的空间。就自己两年来的班主任工作管理情况,谈谈自己的体会:  一、尊重教育  心理学家威廉.杰姆士说过,在人的所有情绪中,最强烈的莫过于被人尊重。这说明,每个人都有希望得到他
阴雨绵绵,不仅潮湿了我的心情,也使我旧病复发,躺在床上动弹不得,百般无奈也百般无聊之余,突然多了静静思考的时间,可以任由思绪的骏马将我驮出很远很远……  小时候,很羡慕我的三姐,不为别的,只因为她时常会有些小病小痛。而每到这个时候,父母都会对她加倍呵护,会给她买来罐头吃,有时是梨瓣儿的,有时是苹果瓣儿的,也有时是山楂的。我和弟弟尽管围在三姐的身边,却很难分到一杯羹,哪怕是一点儿糖水也没有。仅长我一
摘 要:“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”这句话不仅适用于文学创作中,对于数学的学习也是如此,知识来源于生活这句话,对数学来说,更为贴切。小学是学习数学的初级阶段,因此更应注重数学学习的生活化,从而提升学生学习数学的兴趣,达到学以致用的目的。这种学习数学的方式,不但能提高学生的学习成绩,更主要地是能使学生形成自主学习的能力。  关键词:生活化教学;数学;应用;教学模式  进入21世纪后,国家为了促