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国际捕鲸委员会(IWC)第54届会议于2002年5月20~24日在日本下关举行。IWC47个成员国(IWC现有48个成员国)派代表团参加了会议。会议就冰岛的成员资格、俄罗斯和美国的灰鲸和弓头鲸的配额要求、南太平洋和南大西洋鲸鱼禁猎区的建议、是否采用无记名投票、日本的50头小鳁鲸捕捞配额等进行了激烈 The 54th IWC meeting was held in Shimonoseki, Japan, from 20 to 24 May 2002. A total of 47 IWC member countries (IWC’s existing 48 member countries) sent delegations to the meeting. The meeting was conducted on the membership of Iceland, the quota requirements of gray whales and bow whales in Russia and the United States, the recommendations of the South Pacific whale safari sanctuary, whether or not to adopt a secret ballot and Japan’s 50 whale hunt quotas fierce
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