Given the complexity of policy decisions in regulatory systems, it is intuitive to see that these regulatory systems may have developed under a unique national style. By reviewing several historical patterns of regulatory development, including Bemstein’s classic life cycle model and analyzing six case studies in the United States and the United Kingdom, we find that the regulatory system may outpace the spatial dimension over time. We conclude that the regulatory system has a similar pattern of development, although the time spent in each stage during this process can be significantly different from the unique factors within each country. Implications for Practicing Workers The existing regulatory theory states that regulatory activities are either entirely different in the same trajectory of development in different countries or in the jurisdictions in which they are implemented. It is clear that neither of these is true, as some regulatory systems show similar characteristics and patterns of development, while others are different. A comparative analysis of the regulation activities in the United States and the United Kingdom shows that the development of the regulatory system in these countries went through similar phases along similar paths but at different rates of development and evolution at these stages. These developments are driven primarily by a cyclical crisis that drives regulatory changes.