
来源 :健康心理学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xpank
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本文综述了我国自杀研究的一些文献,对自杀的流行病学现状和自杀状况的某些特征进行了讨论。1流行病学研究本文介绍在1992年首届危机干预暨自杀预防研讨会上发表的三个流行学研究结果,并进行讨论。山东省精神疾病发病动态前瞻性研究协作组,在8个精神卫生防治网络较健全的地 This article reviews some of the literature on suicide research in our country and discusses some of the characteristics of suicide epidemiology and suicide. 1 Epidemiological Study This article presents the three epidemiological studies published at the first symposium on crisis intervention and suicide prevention in 1992 and discussed them. Shandong Province, the development of mental disorders dynamic forward-looking research collaboration group, in the eight mental health prevention network more sound
城市的规模和人口的变动,这两个变量阐明了城市人口问题,并相互作用、相互说明。 The size of the city and demographic changes, both of which illustrate the problem of
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。卷首语@李晓久$天津工业大学纺织与服装学院!院长教授 Please download to view, this article does not support online acces
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
【素材鉴读】有人说拿破仑是暴君,但就是这样一个暴君在面对孩子们的琅琅读书声时,宁愿与联盟军队正面对决,也不愿让枪炮声惊扰孩子们的读书声。铁血与柔情在一个人的身上体现得如此完美。  【适用文题】人性与品行/两面性/铁血与柔情  1798年,拿破仑率领20万军队向埃及进发。一路上,尽管受到英、俄、奥等国联盟军队的顽强抵抗,但是,拿破仑军队依然攻城掠寨,势如破竹。  这天,拿破仑军队到达一个叫红海的小镇
The Zhashui-Shanyang district is one of the most important sulfide deposits in the Qinling Orogen where the formation of porphyry-skarn Cu-Mo deposits has a clo