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这次广播大会向大家提出这样一个任务:从现在起,争取时间在今年冬季力争提前大部或全部完成1960的水土保持任务。在目前就要使水土保持运动由不平衡走向平衡,在既得成绩的基础上,掀起一个范围更广、声势更壮的水土保持运动高潮。根据周总理的指示,和黄河中上游水土保持治理现状,在这次七省区水土保持会议上,确定的奋斗目标是:在黄河中上游方面:三年小部、五部大部、八年基本完成黄河流域七省区水土保持的工程措施和其他措施,逐步达到控制水土泥沙流失。在永定河方面完成这样任务的时间,还要大为缩短。为了完成上述任务,应该继续坚持过去行之有效的方针,那就是:要在依靠群众,使水土保持工作和发展生产相结合的基础上,大面积地实施全面治理与修建干、支流水库同时并举,并且要坚持实行按流域、按山系集中治理,连续治理,使突击治理和经常治理、持久治理相结合,使工程措施和生物措施相结合,使治理工作和巩固工作、预防工作相结合的各项原则。 The broadcast congress has put forward such a task: From now on, strive for the time to strive for the soil and water conservation tasks for 1960 in full or in full by this winter. At present, we should make the movement of soil and water conservation go from imbalance to equilibrium and set off a climax of a wider and stronger soil and water conservation campaign on the basis of our achievements. According to Premier Zhou’s instructions and the current status of soil and water conservation in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, the goals of the struggle for water and soil conservation held by the seven provinces and autonomous regions at the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River are as follows: In the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River: three years, five departments, eight years Basically completed engineering measures and other measures for soil and water conservation in the seven provinces and regions of the Yellow River Basin and gradually controlled the loss of soil and water and sediment. The time to accomplish such a task in the area of ​​Yongding River has to be greatly shortened. In order to accomplish the above tasks, we should continue to uphold the effective principles of the past. That is, on the basis of relying on the masses and integrating water and soil conservation with development and production, we should extensively implement a comprehensive control and construction of dry and tributary reservoirs simultaneously , And should adhere to the principle of combining centralized management and continuous management according to the catchment areas and mountainous areas so as to combine the blitzkrieg administration with the regular administration and the long-term governance so that the combination of engineering measures and biological measures can make the combination of governance work and consolidation work and prevention work each Principle
项目简介: 该项目是针对当前桑拿室、蒸汽室内,温度高、湿度大、缺氧环境中人们洗浴时普遍产生憋闷、眩晕、虚脱等现象而研制的一种专用保健清凉补氧装置。 Brief introduct