美国著名心理学家约翰·布朗博士曾做过这样一个试验—— 在课堂上,他请100名中学生认真思考,描绘一下自己将来最渴望成为怎样的人。很快,他收到了100名学生写在作文本上的五彩缤纷的梦想:有的想成为诺贝尔奖获得者,有的想成为海明威那样的著名作家,有的想成为邀游太空的宇航员,有的想成为好莱坞超级影星,有的想成为国务卿,有的想成为亿万富翁……总之,每个学生的人生梦想都可谓热切而高远。
The famous American psychologist Dr. John Brown has done such a test - in the classroom, he asked 100 high school students to think hard and describe what they are most eager to be like. Soon he received the colorful dreams of 100 students written on the composition: some want to be Nobel laureates, some want to be famous writers like Hemingway, and some want to be astronauts who are invited to travel in space, Some want to become Hollywood superstars, and some want to become Secretary of State, and some want to become a billionaire ... In short, each student’s life dream can be described as eager and lofty.