区域发展战略的一个很有特色的研究案例—— 评《安阳发展战略》

来源 :地域研究与开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DIWUTANG
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80年代,区域发展战略研究在我国得到普遍开展。参加这一研究的有不同专业和不同领域的学者。他们的着眼点各有不同。例如,经济学家、社会学家都有许多关于区域发展战略的研究成果发表,反映了他们从事这一方面研究的特点是着重行业结构即条条关系的分析,而对区域分析即块块布局注意不够。地理学家也是这一工作的积极参加者。鑑于参加这一工作的学者之多,涉及的专业和学科之多,完成的研究成果极为丰富,现在的确有必要对如此大量的成果进行认真的评价和总结,以便今后把区域发展战略的研究推向一个新的水平。 In 1980s, the study of regional development strategy has been carried out universally in our country. Participants in this research have different professions and scholars in different fields. Their focus is different. For example, economists and sociologists have published many research results on the strategy of regional development, reflecting that the characteristics of their research in this field are the analysis of the structure of the industry, Not enough attention. Geographers are also active participants in this work. Given the large number of scholars participating in this work, the large number of specialties and disciplines involved and the extremely rich research results, it is indeed necessary to evaluate and summarize such a large number of achievements so that the study of regional development strategies Push to a new level.
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