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2003年4月,宁夏回族自治区贺兰山东麓被国家确立为中国第三个也是西部惟一一个葡萄酒“国家地理标志产品保护区”(原名称为原产地域产品保护区)。从此,这个西部的小省区在国内葡萄酒行业占据了十分重要的地位,成为众多行业内专家公认的“中国最佳葡萄酒生态区”。宁夏政府随即将葡萄产业列为全区十大优势特色支柱产业之一,出台了一系列扶持葡萄产业发展的优惠政策,并提出发展80万亩优质酿酒葡萄的优势产业发展规划,成立了国内第一个由政府牵头并组织成立的“葡萄产业协会”。这一系列举措,使宁夏葡萄产业在短短几年时间有了长足发展,成为国内葡萄产业增长最快的地区之一,吸引了诸如张裕、长城、王朝等许多国内外知名葡萄酒企业落户宁夏。这一切成绩的取得,离不开政府、各级组织、企业和行业同仁的努力,但更离不开将一个人的半生奉献给了宁夏葡萄产业的拓荒者,她就是中国葡萄酒行业十分熟悉的宁夏葡萄产业协会副会长、宁夏农垦西夏王葡萄产业集团公司董事长--蔡晓勤。 In April 2003, the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was established by the state as the third wine in China and also the only wine in the western part of the country. The original product of National Geographic Indication Protection Area (formerly known as Native Product Protection Area). Since then, this small western province occupies a very important position in the domestic wine industry and has become recognized as “the best wine ecological region in China” by experts in many industries. The Ningxia government immediately listed the grape industry as one of the ten pillar industries with advantages and characteristics in the region, issued a series of preferential policies to support the development of the grape industry and proposed the development plan for the advantageous industries of developing 800,000 mu of high-quality wine grapes. A government-led and organized “Grape Industry Association.” This series of measures has made Ningxia's grape industry developed rapidly in just a few years and became one of the fastest growing grapevines in the country. It has attracted many well-known domestic and foreign wine companies such as Changyu, the Great Wall and Dynasty to settle in Ningxia. All these achievements can not be separated from the efforts of the government, organizations at all levels, enterprises and industry colleagues, but it is inseparable from the sacrifice of a man's half-life to the pioneer of the grape industry in Ningxia. She is very familiar with the Chinese wine industry Vice President of Ningxia Grape Industry Association, Ningxia Agricultural Reclamation Xixiawang Grape Industry Group Chairman - Cai Xiaoqin.
1998WorldAirlinesTraffic1998年世界部分航空公司运量统计 1998WorldAirlinesTraffic1998 World Department of aviation utility planning