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世界经济将在未来五年进入新一轮调整期,我国面临前所未有的机遇和挑战未来五年跨越我国“十一五”和“十二五”规划,是世界经济格局发生重大变化和我国开放型经济水平不断提升的关键时期。经济全球化进入调整期首先,全球产业将继续由美日欧等发达国家向发展中国家转移,跨国公司代表的发达国家是最大利益相关群体,发展中国家经济增长的正面效应部分地被分配效应抵消。同时,全球制造业在继续向中国转移的同时,也开始有目的地向其他发展中国家如越南、印度和菲律宾转移。这种趋势既有跨国公司开拓新兴市场、分散投资风险方面的考虑,也反映了发达国家不愿看到新的日益强大的竞争对手脱颖而出。 The world economy will enter a new round of adjustment in the next five years. Our country faces unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The plan to cross China’s 11th Five-Year Plan and the 12th Five-Year Plan in the next five years is a major change in the world economic pattern And China’s open economy continues to improve the critical period. Economic globalization enters a period of adjustment First of all, the global industry will continue to be transferred from developed countries such as the United States, Japan and Europe to developing countries. Developed countries represented by multinational corporations are the largest stakeholder groups. The positive effects of economic growth in developing countries are partially offset by the distributive effect . At the same time, while global manufacturing continues to shift to China, it has also begun to shift its purpose to other developing countries such as Vietnam, India and the Philippines. This trend is not only considered by multinational corporations in exploring emerging markets and diversifying investment risks, but also reflecting the reluctance of developed countries to see the emergence of new and increasingly powerful competitors.
韦斯·杰克逊(WesJackson)关于大草原的设想可能使美国的面包篮永保丰盛。 Wes Jackson’s vision of the prairie may make the bread basket in the United States everlast
患儿,男,3岁,因"发现腋下包块2年余,咳嗽、喘息2d"入院.患儿6个月时家长无意中发现其双腋下各有直径约2.0 cm×2.0 cm大包块,局部肤色正常,无破溃、无触痛,不伴发热及皮疹、指趾端脱皮等,曾就诊于我院做多普勒超声检查提示双腋下、腹股沟、腘窝等处有多发性动脉瘤,家长自行出院后就诊于北京某医院,考虑为"川崎病"所致动脉改变,予丙种球蛋白静点5 d,阿司匹林口服(一个月后自行停药),未再予其
所谓“印度均衡”(Hindu equilibrium),是指古代印度建立的、绵延数千年而未发生根本改变的一种社会经济体系,生活于其中的印度人形成了惯常的行为模式,没有任何激励将之打破。其社会表现是种姓体制,而其经济方面的表现形式则是劳动市场上的职业分割。
Purpose: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of bimatoprost as alternative to filtration surgery in patients with uncontrolled glaucoma on maximal tolerable me
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 2339 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 6167 71 73 79 83 89 97…这是100以内的素数,你也许会发现,有时,素数之间的距离比较远(89和97之间差9),有时,有相距很近(2