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知识经济是知识密集而非人员密集的经济。而我们面对的又是极其严峻的就业形势。据有关部门预测,“九五”期间,我国将新增劳动力7000万左右,国有企业将分流及下岗职工1500万左右,农村新增和剩余劳动力将有4000万左右向城市转移。因此,一些人对知识经济时代的来临充满了担忧,认为随着知识经济时代的来临,会造成下岗现象的加剧。其实,这种担忧是没有根据的、盲目的。首先,我们必须弄清我国现在的下岗现象不是经济的知识化程度提高而造成的。现在的下岗是对计划经济体制下长期“隐性下岗”的一次暴露。那时实行的是高就业、低效益,一人工作多人干,掩盖了工作岗位少与人员多的矛盾。市场经济是效益经济,它能最大限度地调动人的积极性,挖掘人的潜能,其根本目标是追求最大化的效益。所以为了提高效益会毫不客气地裁减 Knowledge economy is a knowledge-intensive rather than people-intensive economy. What we are facing is an extremely serious employment situation. According to relevant departments’ forecast, during the “95” period, China will increase the labor force by about 70 million. The state-owned enterprises will divert 15 million laid-off workers and laid-off workers, and about 40 million new and surplus labor force will be transferred to the cities in rural areas. Therefore, some people are full of worries about the advent of the era of knowledge-based economy and think that with the advent of the era of knowledge-based economy, the phenomenon of laid-off will be aggravated. In fact, this concern is unfounded and blind. First of all, we must make clear that the current layoff in our country is not caused by an increase in the level of knowledge-based economy. The current lay-off is an exposure of long-term “hidden laid-off ” under the planned economic system. At that time, employment was highly effective and inefficient, with one person working more than one person and covering up the contradiction between fewer jobs and more staff. Market economy is an economic economy. It can maximize the enthusiasm of people and tap the potential of human beings. Its fundamental goal is to pursue maximum benefits. So in order to improve efficiency will be unceremoniously cut
文章是建立在Windows Server 2003操作系统上,基于SQL Server 2000作后台数据库的校园网统一身份认证应用系统来研究的。本文首先介绍了在网络中数据库的背景,及网络中数据库
为了适应现代反坦克战争的需要,瑞典FFV 军械公司为瑞典陆军新研制了两种轻型反坦克武器,一种为 M3型卡尔·古斯太夫,另一种为 AT-4型,它们的口径均为84毫米。在未来的反坦