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近两年来,在贯彻新国标中,全国各机械行业都面临着对本企业大量定型产品进行表面粗糙度新旧标准过渡的问题。有一些企业的领导和设计人员,对正确过渡的重要性认识不足,在贯彻新标准时往往把定型产品的全部零件加工面都简单地进行直接靠改。这个方法表面上看起来方便迅速,殊不知这是一个涉及企业经济效益的大问题。一、靠改问题的提出众所周知,表面粗糙度对零件的使用性能和配合性能等都有很大影响。旧标准规定的表面光洁度评定参数有两种,即轮廓算术平均偏差R。和微观不平度10点高度R_s;新标准则另增加了四种,即轮廓最大高度R_v和附加参数一轮廓微观不平度的平均间距S_m、轮廓的单峰平均间距S以及轮廓支承长度率t_p。 In the past two years, in carrying out the new national standard, various machinery industries across the country are faced with the issue of the transition of old and new standards for the surface roughness of a large number of stereotyped products of this enterprise. Some leaders and designers of enterprises are not well aware of the importance of a proper transition. When implementing the new standard, all the parts and processing surfaces of the stereotyped products are often simply relied on. This method seems superficially easy on the surface, knowing that this is a major issue involving the economic efficiency of enterprises. First, by changing the problem raised As we all know, the surface roughness of the parts performance and performance with a great impact. There are two types of surface finish evaluation parameters specified in the old standard, namely, the arithmetic average deviation R of the contour. And the micro unevenness of the height of 10 points R_s; the new standard is an additional four, that is, the maximum contour height R_v and the additional parameters of a profile of the average microscopic roughness S_m, the profile of the single peak average spacing S and profile support length rate t_p .
小倩的男友再也忍受不了小倩的那种爱法,终于离她而去。 这是小倩的第四次失恋了!要说小倩,人长得挺漂亮,家庭、工作条件都不赖,从哪方面来看,姑娘都该是个爱情上春风得意的
A study group from People’s University of Chinaconducted a sample survey to find out how people livingin cities spend their time. They visited 4,876 people age
四、粒度粒度是指磨料的颗粒尺寸,粒度对磨削生产效率和工件表面粗糙度影响比较大。新标准规定磨粒粒度按颗粒尺寸大小分为41个号,即:4~#、5~#、6~#、7~#、 8~#、 10~#、 12