宁静秀丽 北国明珠——写在’96芬兰中国年

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有这样一个国家:她是世界上最北的国家之一,面积不大,在小国林立的欧洲仅排第七位,但国土上却分布着大大小小19万个湖泊;她还是一个森林之国,2/3以上的国土覆盖着森林;她是传说中的圣诞老人的故乡,1995年圣诞前夕,联合国秘书长加利把他写给圣诞老人的贺信寄到了这里;驰名世界的桑拿浴也起源于这里,这个国家目前共有192万个桑拿浴室,平均不到三人就有一个,请客人洗桑拿浴就像是请客吃饭一样的交往方式。初来这里的 There is such a country that she is one of the most northern countries in the world and is small in size and only seventh in the small countries of Europe but has 190,000 lakes of all sizes, Country, more than two-thirds of the country’s territory is covered with forests; she is the hometown of the legendary Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve 1995, UN Secretary-General Gurry sent his congratulation letter to Santa Claus here. The world famous sauna Originated from here, the country currently has a total of 1.92 million saunas, an average of less than three have a guest to wash the sauna is like a treat to treat the same way of communication. First came here
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