Something About The Olympics

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When were the first Olympic games held What did the athletes competeforBy how many noses~1 did Nero~2 win the chariot~3 raceTwo-and-half millenia~4 of Olympic history have seen the accumulation ofa mass of fascinating trivia.~5Who organised the first games,for instance Though the mythical an-swers range from Hercules to Pelops,~5 it was most likely king Ifito of Helladewho constituted the first Olympic “committee” in 776 BC.One hundred yearslater,the games enjoyed Panhellenic~7 participation,hosting three hundred or When were the first Olympic games held What did the athletes compete forBy how many noses ~ 1 did Nero ~ 2 win the chariot ~ 3 raceTwo-and-half millenia ~ 4 of Olympic history have seen the accumulation ofa mass of fascinating trivia. ~ 5Who organized the first games, for instance Though the mythical an-swers range from Hercules to Pelops, ~ 5 it was most likely king Ifito of Helladewho composed the first Olympic “committee” in 776 BC.One hundred yearslater, the games enjoyed Panhellenic ~ 7 participation hosting three hundred or
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