
来源 :广西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gongbin1990
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各地区行署,各市、县、自治县人民政府,柳铁,区直各委、办、厅、局:现将《广西壮族自治区实施<教育督导暂行规定>的办法》印发你们,望遵照执行。教育督导制度是教育行政管理的一个重要组成部分,是加强教育工作和依法治教的一项重要措施。组织好教育督导工作,对全面贯彻党的教育方针,全面提高教育质量,促进我区教育事业发展有着十分重要的意义。各级人民政府和教育行政部门要重视各级督导机构和督导队伍的建设,使我区的教育督导工作再上一个新台阶。 Administrative offices in all regions, cities, counties and autonomous counties, people’s governments of all counties, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, commissions, offices, offices and bureaus: We hereby issue and issue the Measures for the Implementation of the Interim Provisions on Education and Supervision in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The education supervision system is an important component of education administration and is an important measure to strengthen education and administer education according to law. To organize the work of education and supervision is of great significance to the full implementation of the party’s education policy, the overall improvement of education quality and the promotion of education in our region. People’s governments at all levels and educational administration departments should pay attention to the construction of supervisory agencies and supervisory ranks at all levels and bring education and supervision in our district to a new level.
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《海南省实施〈突发公共卫生事件应急条例〉办法》已经2003年6月30日海南省人民政府第15次常务会议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。 Measures for the Implementation of
各区、县人民政府,番禺市人民政府,市府直属各单位,驻穗各单位:市人民政府同意《关于的实施办法》。现印发给你们,请依照执行。 All districts and counties People’s Gov
各区、县人民政府,番禺市人民政府,市府直属各单位:现将《广州市露天采石场安全生产管理办法》发给你们,请遵照执行。广州市人民政府一九九二年十二月三十日 All districts
本文叙述用计算机自身的电源(集体)措施对计算机的总清、启动、掉电中断与信息保护自动管理。提高了机载计算机的可靠性、可用性、维修性及自动控制性能。 This article des