一、公路建设的投资 第二次世界大战,使原本就比较落后的日 本公路遭到了破坏。 随着战后日本经济的逐渐恢复和发展,公 路运输与经济活动之间的矛盾越加突出。如 1955年前后,卡车的数量已增加为战前的9 倍,但公路的状况与战前无多大区别;一些大城 市间的一、二级国道和主要地方公路中,约有一 半区段行车量超过设计能力,大量货物积压待 运,甚至一些工厂停工待料,严重阻碍了经济的
First, investment in road construction World War II, so that the original relatively backward Japanese roads have been destroyed. With the gradual recovery and development of the Japanese economy after the war, the contradiction between road transport and economic activities has become increasingly prominent. As of 1955, the number of trucks had increased ninefold before the war, but the condition of the road was not much different from that before the war; about half of the first, second and third major national highways in some metropolitan areas traveled Volume over design capacity, a large number of goods to be shipped backlog, and even some factory work stoppages, a serious impediment to the economy