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2000年1月,山东省莱芜市药品监督管理局挂牌成立。2001年4月,时任莱芜市药品监督管理局党委副书记的周常发同志主持全市药品监管和医药经济的全面工作,2002年2月周常发同志被任命为莱芜市药品监督管理局党组书记、局长,保证全市123万人民用药安全有效的重大责任落到了他和一班人的肩上。面对沉甸甸的使命,已届天命之年的他夙兴夜寐,殚精竭虑,与党组一班人一道,团结和带领广大干部职工,开创了全市药品监管工作的新局面。 铁肩担道义 药品是特殊商品,药品监管工作是人命关天的大事,周常发同志深知这一点。针对药监局是新组建局这一实际,他多次强凋要牢记使命,转变职能,转变观念,转变作风,一切以确保人民群众用药 January 2000, Laiwu City, Shandong Province Drug Administration was established. In April 2001, when he was the deputy secretary of the party committee of Laiwu Drug Administration Comrade Zhou Changfa comrades the city’s drug regulatory and pharmaceutical economy in an all-round work, in February 2002, Comrade Zhou Changfa was appointed party secretary and director of the Drug Administration of Laiwu City, The significant responsibility of ensuring that the city’s 1.23 million people used medicines safely and effectively fell to the shoulders of him and a group of people. In the face of the heavy mission, he has been awake at night and has done his best to work together with a group of party members to unite and lead cadres and workers and create a new situation in the city’s drug regulatory work. Daojiandaoyao drug is a special commodity, drug regulatory work is a major event in life, Zhou comrades know this. In view of the fact that the Food and Drug Administration is a new formation bureau, he repeatedly dwells on keeping his mission firmly in mind, changing his functions, changing his concept and changing his style of work, so as to ensure that the people use medicine
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