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以宝鸡市为例建立区域人水和谐评价指标体系及评价模型。在阐述人水和谐内涵的基础上,构建宝鸡市人水和谐评价指标体系。根据对立统一可变模糊集理论及合作博弈思想,建立基于合作博弈权重的可变模糊集模型,评价人水复合系统的综合发展水平;以水系统和人类系统的综合发展水平为基础,采用协调性指数模型揭示两系统间的相互协调关系,由人水系统的信息熵得到人水复合系统的协调度,以此建立信息熵协调度模型,评价人水复合系统协调度;以人水复合系统综合发展水平和协调度为基础,综合评价人水复合系统的和谐度。应用此模型对宝鸡市2001—2010年的人水和谐程度进行评价,和谐度在0.631~0.833之间。与模糊物元评价模型结果对比分析,评价结果基本一致,表明文中模型有效可行,结果可靠。通过对宝鸡市人水和谐评价指标体系和评价模型研究,以期为人水和谐的深入研究提供一种实用可操作的定量评价方法。 Taking Baoji City as an Example, Establishing a Harmonious Evaluation Index System and Evaluation Model for Regional Human Water. On the basis of expounding the connotation of human-water harmony, this paper constructs the index system of human-water harmony evaluation in Baoji. According to the theory of Opposite Unified Variable Fuzzy Set Theory and Cooperative Game Theory, a variable fuzzy set model based on cooperative game weight is established to evaluate the comprehensive development level of human-water compound system. Based on the comprehensive development level of water system and human system, The index of sexual index reveals the mutual coordination relationship between the two systems. The information entropy of the human-water system obtains the coordination degree of the human-water composite system, so as to establish the information entropy coordination degree model and evaluate the coordination degree of the human-water composite system. Based on the comprehensive development level and the degree of coordination, a comprehensive assessment of the harmony degree of human-water compound system is made. This model was used to evaluate the degree of human-water harmony between 2001 and 2010 in Baoji city. The degree of harmony was between 0.631 and 0.833. Compared with fuzzy matter element evaluation model, the results are basically the same, which shows that the model is effective and reliable and the result is reliable. Through the research on the evaluation index system and evaluation model of human-water harmony in Baoji City, we hope to provide a practical and operable quantitative evaluation method for the further research on human-water harmony.
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