
来源 :基础医学与临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dwwn123456
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Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen presenting cells (APCs). It is considerable that there are two developmental li neages of dendritic cells: Myeloid DCs are shared with phagocytes, which capture antigens in the periphery and then migrate to the lymphoid organs to initiate i mmunity, Lymphoid DCs are shared with T cells, which are found in the thymic med ulla and lymph node T cell areas and are responible for regulation and tolerance . The central role that DCs play in the initiation of an immune response raises the possiblity of using them to trigger specific anti-tumor immunity. Before DC s used successfully in clinic, several issues need to be considered. The suffic ient number of DCs have to be generated, they should display morphological, phen otypical, and functional properties of DCs, and they should be able to present a ntigens to naive T cells. In this review, we have briefly summarized the advance d achievements of DC study. It is considered that there are two developmental li neages of dendritic cells: i mmunity, Lymphoid DCs are shared with T cells, which are found in the thymic med ulla and lymph node T cell areas and are responible for regulation and tolerance . The central role that DCs play in the initiation of an immune response raises the possiblity of The suffic ient number of DCs have to be generated, they should display morphological, phenotypical, and functional properties of DCs, And they should be able to present a ntigens to naive T cells. In this review, we have the briefly summarized the advance d achievements of DC study.
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