Literary Construction of Liang Qichao's China Dream in Late Qing Dynasty——Based on the Perspect

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Liang Qichao actually influenced Chinese society of late Qing dynasty in a great and profound way.H e founded several political newspapers,pioneered a literary style called political commentary and wrote many political fictions,which fully embody his deep thinking over China’s destiny at that time under impacts of western politics as well as his practical activities.H is political fiction does not only pioneer new forms and contents of modern fiction,but also play a crucial role in leading numerous writers to construct a“Chinese Dream”literature by granting politics as theme of fiction and shaping of political heroes.W hat’s more,his political fiction also becomes a basis of integration between literature and politics. Liang Qichao actually recognized Chinese society of late Qing dynasty in a great and profound way. H e found several political newspapers, pioneered a literary style called political commentary and wrote many political fictions, which fully embody his deep thinking over China’s destiny at that time under impacts of western politics as well as his practical activities. H is political fiction does not only pioneer new forms and contents of modern fiction, but also play a crucial role in leading numerous writers to construct a “Chinese Dream” literature by granting politics as theme of fiction and shaping of political heroes. W hat’s more, his political fiction also becomes a basis of integration between literature and politics.
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