整顿企业 敢于碰硬

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企业整顿要强调质量,绝不能走过场。而企业整顿走过场的可能性是存在的。去年12月,中央领导同志指出:“整顿企业,就要这样真正的整,凡是经营管理问题很多,而整顿又走了过场的,必须考虑要调整领导班子”。“要提醒一切工业战线的同志严肃考虑这么一个问题,如果从今年开始的企业整顿基本上流了产,所谓提高经济效益,学会现代化经营管理,也就成了空谈。还要使下面同志了解,企业整顿不解决一点问题,党风、社会风气的扭转,也就无从谈起,因为社会风气的好坏,是与我们厂矿企业风气的好坏密切联系着的。”白音他拉农场由于调整了领导班子,在整顿企业中敢于碰硬,取得了较好的经济效果。今年农垦企业要全面开展企业整顿工作,要以改革的精神搞整顿,把整顿和改革结合起来,通过整顿,对不适应经济发展的机构和规章制度加以改革。 Enterprises should emphasize the quality of rectification, must not go through the field. The possibility of business over the field there. In December last year, the central leading comrades pointed out: “To rectify an enterprise, it is necessary to make such a real rectification. Where there are many problems of management and administration and the rectification is over, we must consider adjusting the leadership.” “We must remind all comrades in the industrial field to seriously consider such a question. If the rectification of enterprises started from this year basically ends up in production, the so-called improvement of economic benefits and learning of modern management will become empty talk. The rectification does not solve a problem, and the rectification of the style of the party and the social ethos can not be done since the quality of social conduct is closely linked with the quality of our factories and mines. ”Since Baiyin Tala Farm has been adjusted Leading bodies have dared to tackle hard problems in rectifying enterprises and achieved good economic results. This year, land reclamation enterprises should comprehensively carry out the work of rectifying their businesses and make rectification work in the spirit of reform. They should combine rectification and reform to rectify institutions and rules that are not suitable for economic development through rectification.
打球者的准备姿势实际上是因各人技术风格的不同、身材的高低有异而有所差别的,但对初学者来说,一个良好的基本姿势就是一把快速进阶的门钥匙。 The preparation of the pl
象那矫健的雄鹰,飞翔在祖国的蓝天.象那警惕的哨兵,保卫着经济的安全.我们是光荣的会计员,战斗在数字战线.“四化”建设重任在肩,坚持原则一尘不染.为了祖国的繁荣昌盛, Li