
来源 :教学月刊(中学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxpsth
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随着新一轮课程改革的不断深入 ,教师在实践新课程的过程中越来越感觉到必须改变自身的角色来适应新的教育环境 ,因为新课程无论是在课程的目标、功能、内容、评价等方面都有了较大的变化 ,目标的设计最终落在人的培养上 ,突出强调学生的全面发展———培养全面、和谐发展的人 With the deepening of the new round of curriculum reform, teachers in the process of practicing the new curriculum more and more feel the need to change their role to adapt to the new educational environment, because the new curriculum, whether in the course objectives, functions, content, evaluation And other aspects have made great changes, the ultimate goal of the design fell on the training of people, highlighting the overall development of students --- to develop a comprehensive and harmonious development of people
美海军向企业界招标 ,要求研制能装入共用型侦察吊舱 (SHARP)的合成孔径雷达 (SAR) ,以增强SHARP的战术侦察能力。这种装有SAR的SHARP吊装在F/A 1 8作战飞机上 ,用于执行侦察、自卫和攻击任务 ,并可
AIM:To investigate the usefulness of direct hemoperfusion with a polymyxin B-immobilized fiber column (DHP-PMX therapy)for warm hepatic ischemia-reperfusion(I/R
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几次三番这样狠下心后,女儿终于知道,她那马大哈不改不行了,只会让自己吃亏,知道是没有办法再依赖我了、于是开始细心起来、因为没有了对我的指望,她事事开始细心起来。 Aft