Mitigation Options for Methane, Nitrous Oxide and NitricOxide Emissions from Agricultural Ecosystems

来源 :Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:storm369
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An experimental study on mitigation of greenhouse gas (CH4, N2O and NO) emission has been conducted in a typical cropping system of Southeast China for 4 years. By simultaneous measurement. the CH4. N2O and NO emission fluxes from rice-wheat rotation fields, effects of fertilization. water management. temperature and soil moisture were investigated. Temperature, fertilization and water status were found to be the key factors to regulate CH4, N2O and NO emissions. Based on the experimental results, some agricultural measures were recommended as technical options to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from rice-wheat rotation ecosystems. These mitigation measures are reducing mineral N input. coupling organic manure with chemical fertilizers, applying fertilizers which release available N slowly during periods with intensive plant activity, and applying dry fermented organic manure and well management of water and fertilizer. An experimental study on mitigation of greenhouse gas (CH4, N2O and NO) emission has been conducted in a typical cropping system of Southeast China for 4 years. By simultaneous measurement. The CH4. N2O and NO emission fluxes from rice-wheat rotation fields, effects of fertilization. water management. temperature and soil moisture were investigated. Temperature, fertilization and water status were found to be the key factors to regulate CH4, N2O and NO emissions. Based on the experimental results, some agricultural measures were recommended as technical options coupling mitigation measures are reducing mineral N input. coupling organic manure with chemical fertilizers, applying fertilizers which release available N slowly during periods with intensive plant activity, and applying dry fermented organic manure and well management of water and fertilizer.
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