Influences of nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethyl pyrazole phosphate on nitrogen and soil salt-ion

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CDCBB
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An undisturbed heavy clay soil column experiment was conducted to examine the influence of the new nitrification inhibitor,3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP),on nitrogen and soil salt-ion leaching.Regular urea was selected as the nitrogen source in the soil.The results showed that the cumulative leaching losses of soil nitrate-N under the treatment of urea with DMPP were from 57.5% to 63.3% lower than those of the treatment of urea without DMPP.The use of nitrification inhibitors as nitrate leaching retardants may be a proposal in regulations to prevent groundwater contaminant.However,there were no great difference between urea and urea with DMPP treatments on ammonium-N leaching.Moreover,the soil salt-ion leaching losses of Ca2+,Mg2+,K+,and Na+ were reduced from 26.6% to 28.8%,21.3% to 27.8%,33.3% to 35.5%,and 21.7% to 32.1%,respectively.So,the leaching losses of soil salt-ion were declined for nitrification inhibitor DMPP addition,being beneficial to shallow groundwater protection and growth of crop.These results indicated the possibility of ammonium or ammonium producing compounds using nitrification inhibitor DMPP to control the nitrate and nutrient cation leaching losses,minimizing the risk of nitrate pollution in shallow groundwater.
摘 要:“顺天时,量地利”,青稞种植过程中,气候有着较大的影响,温度、 湿度、水分等基本自然因素影响着作物的生长,稻城县青稞种植过程中,同样要分析相关的气候环境。良好的气候环境,能让青稞更好的成长,得到更好的收成。在青稞的生长过程中,也会出现不利的气候因素,如霜冻、冰雹、干旱等,这些灾害将对青稞种植产生不良的影响。本文结合实际,针对气候进行分析,查找稻城县青稞种植的气候影响对策。  关键词:青稞种
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